
Arc has been packaged as a Docker image to simplify deployment as a stateless process on cloud infrastructure. As there are multiple versions of Arc, Spark, Scala and Hadoop see the for the relevant version. The Arc container is built on top of the offical Spark Kubernetes Docker image.

Deploy Repository

The deploy repository has examples of how to run Arc jobs on common cloud environments and includes examples how to set up on Kubernetes with permissions.

Arc Local

An example command to start a job from the Arc Starter base directory:

docker run \
--rm \
--volume $(pwd)/examples:/home/jovyan/examples:Z \
--env "ETL_CONF_ENV=production" \
--entrypoint='' \
--publish 4040:4040 \ \
bin/spark-submit \
--master local[*] \
--driver-memory 4g \
--driver-java-options "-XX:+UseG1GC" \
--conf spark.authenticate=true \
--conf spark.authenticate.secret=$(openssl rand -hex 64) \
--conf \
--conf \
--class ai.tripl.arc.ARC \
/opt/spark/jars/arc.jar \

This example is included to demonstrate:

  • ETL_CONF_ENV is a reserved environment variable which determines which stages to execute in the current mode. For each of the stages the job designer can specify an array of environments under which that stage will be executed (in the case above production and test are specified).

    The purpose of this stage is so that it is possible to add or remove stages for execution modes like test or integration which are executed by a CI/CD tool prior to deployment and that you do not want to run in production mode - so maybe a comparison against a known ‘good’ test dataset could be executed in only test mode.

  • In this sample job the spark master is local[*] indicating that this is a single instance ‘cluster’ where Arc relies on vertical not horizonal scaling. Depending on the constrains of the job (i.e. CPU vs disk IO) it is often better to execute with vertical scaling on cloud compute rather than pay the cost of network shuffling.

  • etl.config.uri is a reserved JVM property which describes to Arc which job to execute. See below for all the properties that can be passed to Arc.

Arc on Kubernetes

Arc is built using the offical Spark Kubernetes image build process which allows Arc to be easily deployed to a Kubernetes cluster.

bin/spark-submit \
--master k8s://https://<k8s-apiserver-host>:<k8s-apiserver-port> \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--name arc \
--class ai.tripl.arc.ARC \
--conf spark.executor.instances=1 \
--conf spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName=spark \
--conf  \
--conf spark.kubernetes.driverEnv.ETL_CONF_ENV=production \
--conf spark.kubernetes.driverEnv.ETL_CONF_DATA_URL=s3a://nyc-tlc/trip*data \
--conf spark.kubernetes.driverEnv.ETL_CONF_JOB_URL= \
local:///opt/spark/jars/arc.jar \

Configuration Parameters

Environment Variable Property Description
ETL_CONF_ENABLE_STACKTRACE etl.config.enableStackTrace Whether to enable stacktraces in the event of exception which can be useful for debugging but is not very intuitive for many users. Boolean. Default: false.
ETL_CONF_ENV etl.config.environment The environment to run under.

E.g. if ETL_CONF_ENV is set to production then a stage with "environments": ["production", "test"] would be executed and one with "environments": ["test"] would not be executed.
ETL_CONF_IGNORE_ENVIRONMENTS etl.config.ignoreEnvironments Allows skipping the environments tests and execute all stages/plugins.
ETL_CONF_JOB_ID A job identifier added to all the logging messages.
ETL_CONF_JOB_NAME A job name added to all logging messages and Spark history server.
ETL_CONF_LINT_ONLY etl.config.lintOnly Verify the job file and exit with success/failure.
ETL_CONF_STORAGE_LEVEL etl.config.storageLevel The StorageLevel used when persisting datasets. String. Default: MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER.
ETL_CONF_STREAMING etl.config.streaming Run in Structured Streaming mode or not. Boolean. Default: false.
ETL_CONF_TAGS etl.config.tags Custom key/value tags separated by space to add to all logging messages.

E.g. ETL_CONF_TAGS=cost_center=123456 owner=jovyan.
ETL_CONF_URI etl.config.uri The URI of the job file to execute.
ETL_CONF_COMPLETION_ENVIRONMENTS etl.config.completion.environments A comma separated list of enivoronments to be returned when invoking the Completer API. Default: production,test.

Policy Parameters

Environment Variable Property Description
ETL_POLICY_INLINE_SCHEMA etl.policy.inline.schema Whether to support inline schemas (such as the schema attribute in TypingTransform) as opposed to force reading from an external file. Boolean. Default: true.
ETL_POLICY_INLINE_SQL etl.policy.inline.sql Whether to support inline SQL (such as the sql attribute in SQLTransform) as opposed to force reading from an external file. Boolean. Default: true.
ETL_POLICY_IPYNB etl.policy.ipynb Whether to support submission of IPython Notebook (.ipynb) files as opposed to Arc HOCON format only. Boolean. Default: true.
ETL_POLICY_DROP_UNSUPPORTED etl.policy.drop.unsupported Whether to enable automatic dropping of unsupported types when performing *Load stages (e.g. ParquetLoad cannot support NullType and would be dropped if enabled).

If NullType columns have been created due to a SQL query (like SELECT NULL AS fieldname) it is sometimes possible to correctly type the column by CASTing the column like SELECT CAST(NULL AS INTEGER) AS fieldname which will treat the column as an IntegerType containing only NULL values.

Default: false.

Authentication Parameters

Permissions arguments can be used to retrieve the job file from cloud storage:

Variable Property Description
ETL_CONF_ADL_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID The OAuth client identifier for connecting to Azure Data Lake.
ETL_CONF_ADL_OAUTH2_REFRESH_TOKEN etl.config.fs.adl.oauth2.refresh.token The OAuth refresh token for connecting to Azure Data Lake.
ETL_CONF_AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY The account key for connecting to Azure Blob Storage.
ETL_CONF_AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME The account name for connecting to Azure Blob Storage.
ETL_CONF_GOOGLE_CLOUD_AUTH_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEYFILE The service account json keyfile path for connecting to Google Cloud Storage.
ETL_CONF_GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID The project identifier for connecting to Google Cloud Storage.
ETL_CONF_S3A_ACCESS_KEY etl.config.fs.s3a.access.key The access key for connecting to Amazon S3.
ETL_CONF_S3A_CONNECTION_SSL_ENABLED etl.config.fs.s3a.connection.ssl.enabled Whether to enable SSL connection to Amazon S3.
ETL_CONF_S3A_ENDPOINT etl.config.fs.s3a.endpoint The endpoint for connecting to Amazon S3.
ETL_CONF_S3A_SECRET_KEY etl.config.fs.s3a.secret.key The secret for connecting to Amazon S3.
ETL_CONF_S3A_ANONYMOUS etl.config.fs.s3a.anonymous Whether to connect to Amazon S3 in anonymous mode. e.g. ETL_CONF_S3A_ANONYMOUS=true.
ETL_CONF_S3A_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM etl.config.fs.s3a.encryption.algorithm The bucket encrpytion algorithm: SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C.
ETL_CONF_S3A_KMS_ARN The Key Management Service Amazon Resource Name when using SSE-KMS encryptionAlgorithm e.g. arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab.
ETL_CONF_S3A_CUSTOM_KEY etl.config.fs.s3a.custom.key The key to use when using Customer-Provided Encryption Keys (SSE-C).

Dynamic Variables

Sometimes it is useful to be able to utilise runtime only varaibles in an Arc job (aka. lazy evaluation), for example, dynamically calculating a partition to be read.

By default all stages have an implicit resolution key defaulting to strict which will try to resolve all parameters at the start of the job. By setting resolution to lazy it is possible to defer the resolution of the variables until execution time for that stage.


This example calculates a list of distinct dates from the new_transactions dataset (like CAST('2020-01-13' AS DATE),CAST('2020-01-14' AS DATE)) and returns it as a variable named ETL_CONF_DYNAMIC_PUSHDOWN which is then used to read a subset of the transactions dataset. This pattern was used succesfully to force a certain behavior in the Spark SQL optimizer (predicate pushdown). Without the resolution equal to lazy the job would fail as the ${ETL_CONF_DYNAMIC_PUSHDOWN} parameter would not be present at the beginning of the job.

  "type": "ConfigExecute",
  "name": "test",
  "description": "test",
  "environments": [
  "sql": """
        'ETL_CONF_DYNAMIC_PUSHDOWN', ARRAY_JOIN(COLLECT_LIST(CONCAT("CAST(\'",DATE_FORMAT(transaction_date,"yyyy-MM-dd"),"\' AS DATE)")), ',')
    ) AS parameters
    FROM (
      SELECT transaction_date FROM new_transactions GROUP BY transaction_date
  "resolution": "lazy",
  "type": "SQLTransform",
  "name": "load the partitions impacted by new records",
  "environments": [
  "sql": "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE transaction_date IN (${ETL_CONF_DYNAMIC_PUSHDOWN})",
  "sqlParams": {
  "outputView": "outputView"


The Environments list specifies a list of environments under which the stage will be executed. The environments list must contain the value in the ETL_CONF_ENV environment variable or etl.config.environment spark-submit argument for the stage to be executed.


If a stage is to be executed in both production and testing and the ETL_CONF_ENV environment variable is set to production or test then the DelimitedExtract stage defined here will be executed. If the ETL_CONF_ENV environment variable was set to something else like user_acceptance_testing then this stage will not be executed and a warning message will be logged.

    "type": "DelimitedExtract",
    "environments": ["production", "test"],

A practical use case of this is to execute additional stages in testing which would prevent the job from being automatically deployed to production via Continuous Delivery if it fails:

    "type": "ParquetExtract",
    "name": "load the manually verified known good set of data from testing",
    "environments": ["test"],
    "outputView": "known_correct_dataset",
    "type": "EqualityValidate",
    "name": "ensure the business logic produces the same result as the known good set of data from testing",
    "environments": ["test"],
    "leftView": "newly_caluclated_dataset",
    "rightView": "known_correct_dataset",

Spark and ulimit

On larger instances with many cores per machine it is possible to exceed the default (1024) max open files (ulimit). This should be verified on your instances if you are receiving too many open files type errors.